All-Inclusive Guide to ADHD ADHD, otherwise known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a psychiatric disorder that affects the brain's ability to focus. Although widely known, there is still plenty unknown and left to explore regarding it. Like with many psychiatric conditions, the better informed the public is on the disorder, the better off those that struggle with it are, so this article aims to spread this disorder's specifics, statistics, and characteristics to better inform my readers. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was officially recognized as a mental disorder in the late 1950s. First known as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, the name's origins are Greek-hyper meaning overactive, and kinetic being shortened from kineticos meaning to move. This name was changed in the 80s, and became two separate diagnoses: ADD and ADHD. These stood for attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, then, in 1987 these two were again...