Beginners Guide to PTSD and C-PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a neurodegenerative disorder whose origin is rooted in an experience or experiences of trauma. Similar in symptoms and causes, complex post-traumatic stress disorder is a subset of this disorder whose symptoms are, generally speaking, more severe. Although many experience traumatic events in their lives and some even experience symptoms of PTSD following them, this disorder is not widely spread, and, unfortunately, is widely misunderstood. That's where this beginner's guide to PTSD and C-PTSD will be helpful. Some form of PTSD affects about 4% of adults, with the number of women being higher than that of men. This could be, at least in part, due to the negative social stigma surrounding men seeking help and expressing their feelings. Its origin is a traumatic event, one or multiple, that can come at any point in life. With C-PTSD, it's always rooted in childhood trauma and of a repetitive nature-me...